A modern company built by experience
How it started
NDT Lab Reporting was designed by Welding & NDT Institute, which is the long effort result of a large and overqualified team with long experience in Non-destructive testing in industry, shipping and construction.
The main objective of the Welding & NDT Institute establishment is the creation of a modern, innovative and reliable educational and testing center for professional training and staff certification.
Relying on our customers satisfaction, we operate actively in both international and Greek market, by reinvesting a significant part of our revenue in buildings, equipment, and of course software development, but above all in the training of our manpower, in order to achieve the strategic objectives, fuelling thereby a cycle of growth and progress.
Meeting the market’s need
While the most NDT Reporting is generated by general purpose tools today, such as Word and Excel, this type of software is lacking basic NDT “equipment” since they are not considered reporting tools.
They are easy to use for simple reports, but what happens when the reports are getting complicated or increasing over time? Copy-pasting fields and items can become a nightmare, revisioning reports can lead to duplicates and an once considered another day at the office might end up searching for stuff inside documents and folders that are stored in various places.
What if the required documents are fragmented or a list item is not correlated with the report? This situation can decrease productivity or even cause report errors.
NDT is our expertise,
Reporting is our passion
NDT Lab Reporting was created to devise a new work culture that will make a considerable positive effect in the industry.
Although we crafted various app with equal ardor, all apps were initially commenced to meet our own needs while at the same time our ambition is to evolve the NDT industry and drive it in a more digital lane.
Our strategy is born from the realization that the vast majority of acquisitions fail, and it’s the customer that pays the price.
When you choose NDT Lab Reporting, you get more than just a single product.
You get our commitment to continuous refinement and to improving your experience.

NDT Lab Reporting
Trapezountos & Digeni Akrita str., 19200 Elefsina, Greece
Telephone: +30 215 551 1852
Monday to Friday – 09:00 to 17:00 EET
Email: info@ndtlabreporting.com
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